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North Korea Boosts Ideological Fervor with New Praise Song for Kim Jong Un


North Korea is raising the fervor of ideological warfare by holding a choral competition of the new anthem Affectionate Parent, which praises Secretary-General Kim Jong Un at a seminar.

Rodong Sinmun reported on May 9th, with an article titled Extraordinary Will to Make Revolutionary Changes in Party Ideological Work According to the Demands of the New Era that “the propaganda worker (official) seminars were held under the guidance of each province, city, and county party committees.” This seminar seems to be a follow-up event to the second propaganda worker seminar that was held from April 20th to the 23rd. This seems to be aimed at educating the central propaganda workers to local workers.

At the seminar, propaganda workers from joint enterprise party committees, institutions, factories, enterprise farmers, workers in revolutionary history, literary artists, publishers, workers in the reporting sectors, and teachers from each province, city, and county party schools participated.

The seminar’s primary focus was the “Kim Jong Un Revolutionary Thought” and the role of propaganda workers in disseminating this ideology throughout society. Rodong Sinmun reported “Seminars were held to address the theoretical and practical issues emerging from real innovations in ideological work. They emphasized the grave mission and duty bestowed by the era, revolution, party, and people on the sacred task of unifying the entire party and society under Comrade Kim Jong Un’s revolutionary thought.”

Also, the performers explained, “The revolutionary thought of the Secretary-General serves as the leading guideline of our revolution and the great practical commandment driving the full-scale development of socialism towards victory. It represents a comprehensive system of thought, theory, and method that places the people’s first principle at its core and is a transformative line that clearly articulates the people’s desires.”

According to Rodong Sinmun, a choral competition of the recently released propaganda song “Affectionate Parent” was also held at this seminar, similar to the previous seminar. This song promotes Secretary-General Kim as an affectionate parent. The article reported, “The level of the participants’ enthusiasm reached maximum.”

North Korea is believed to be establishing Kim Jong Unism, which can be seen as Kim Jong Un’s independent line and unique ruling ideology. In line with this trend, it seems to be actively conducting ideological work to spread Kim Jong Un’s Revolutionary Thought everywhere.



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