Home World Homemade Erectile Dysfunction Pills Land Brothers in Hot Water

Homemade Erectile Dysfunction Pills Land Brothers in Hot Water

© News1 DB

Two brothers in their 60s were handed over to the prosecutor’s office for the suspicion of manufacturing and storing 14 types of unauthorized medicinal products, including drugs for erectile dysfunction.

The Food and Drug Crime Investigation Department of the Seoul Western District Prosecutor’s Office announced on the 13th that it has arrested a suspect accused of violating the Pharmaceutical Law and indicted his younger brother without detention.

The brothers are accused of setting up a manufacturing factory in Muan-gun, Jeollanam-do from September 2020 to March this year. They produced around 1.5 million counterfeit drugs, like Viagra, worth $116 million and stored them. They were previously known to have manufactured the same products and sold them to customers at two adult stores they operated.

The prosecution said, “We have issued a preliminary injunction of the disposal of their buildings and estate, and we will confiscate them in the future.”



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